Rottnest Island has been one of Western Australia’s most popular summer holiday destinations since 1902. However, as with many summer holiday hotspots, Rottnest Island experiences a downturn during winter as people jet-set to warmer destinations or travel to places that cater specifically for the cold weather. 

With an aim to highlight the island as a great place to visit over the cooler months, Detail was engaged to develop a marketing and public relations campaign to increase accommodation revenue during winter, particularly Monday to Thursday, and increase visitor spending to support the local business community. The ‘More Rottnest’ campaign highlighted the ‘more’ of what people crave during winter and which can be found at Rottnest – more time, more laughter, more living and more family time. The campaign was implemented through promotions, billboards, print advertising, bus backs, social media and a dedicated website that showcased a range of winter experiences and retail offers on the island. Detail also engaged with the media to promote Rottnest as a tourist destination within WA and nationally. 

The campaign resulted in extended stay occupancy during winter and a significant uplift in winter accommodation packages sold. Overall visitation to the island and the island’s revenue increased substantially compared to the previous winter season. The campaign received a Tourism Marketing Award at the Perth Airport WA Tourism Awards and was a Gold Award winner in the Pacific Asia Travel Association Gold Awards.