An iconic Western Australian business, The Perth Mint is not only a tourist destination but also a luxury retail space. To enhance its retail division’s visibility, the Perth Mint engaged Detail for a high-profile project: the jewels exhibition showcasing Rio Tinto’s $6 million Argyle Romantica™ ring. 

The Argyle Romantica™ ring, featuring 3.42 carats of rare pink, red, and blue diamonds from the iconic Argyle Mine, was publicly displayed for the first time in Western Australia. This exhibition marked the first significant Argyle Pink Diamonds™ piece produced since the mine’s closure. The ring was showcased alongside over 80 other unique pieces, including fancy-coloured diamonds, rubies, emeralds, highly collectible coins, and bespoke sapphire adornments, all available for purchase. 

Detail crafted a comprehensive marketing program to promote the exhibition. This included a campaign photoshoot, creative direction, and printed, digital, and outdoor collateral rollout.  

The result was a stunning creative campaign, unlike anything the Perth Mint had produced before.